Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Tis the season for vacation clearing (and password expiration)

As we approach the end of the year, along with its holidays, its common for many employees to take leave for long periods of time.  So as a gift to helpdesks everywhere, often they would request to know who will have their password expire during the peak holiday times (to prepare for the support calls).  To build a list like this is quite easy with powershell.  This assumes you don't have fine grain password policies.  In this example, we look at expiring passwords between Dec 21 and Jan 4 given the working days and anticipated return dates around the Christmas and New Years holidays:

import-module activedirectory

#grab the domain wide password policy and extract a # of days integer
$passwordage = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge |select -exp days

#define your start and end filter dates and subtract the max Password age value.
#We need to calculate using passwordlastset timestamps

$startdate = ([datetime]"12-21-2015").adddays(-$passwordage)
$enddate = ([datetime]"1-4-2016").adddays(-$passwordage)

#Filter as much as possible on the LDAP side with the date ranges.
#The Select statement includes a calculated
#expression to convert the passwordlastset value to an actual expiration date.
#Convert to CSV and output to file.
#Zip it and mail it out.

get-aduser -filter {(enabled -eq $true) -and (passwordlastset -ge $startdate) -and (passwordlastset -le $enddate)} -Properties passwordlastset, mail | select samaccountname, name, mail, @{name="ExpirationDate"; exp={$_.passwordlastset.adddays($passwordage)}} | convertto-csv -notypeinfo | out-file .\expiringholidays.csv

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