#Get-McAfeeExclusions $server = $Args[0] $level = $args[1] if (($server -eq $null) -or ($Server -eq "")) { write-host -foregroundcolor "yellow" "usage: Get-McAfeeExclusions servername [level]" write-host -foregroundcolor "yellow" " Enter Server name to list Mcafee AV exclusion list. Optionally" Write-Host -ForegroundColor "yellow" " you can enter the level to view (Default, High, Low)." write-host exit } if ($level -ne $null) { if (-not (("Default","High","Low") -contains $level)) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor "yellow" "Invalid level specified, use Default | High | Low" write-host exit } } else { $level = "Default" } function decode-mcafee-exclusion-code([int]$code) { switch ($code) { 5 { return "Windows File Protection" } 4 { return "Extension" } 3 { return "FilePath" } 2 { return "CreationDate" } 0 { return "ModifiedDate" } } } function decode-second-vals([int]$code) { #for some reason I see path rules with values above 10 which have the same settings for below 10 rules. 7=15, 3=11 switch ($code) { 1 {return ("write")} 2 {return ("read")} 3 {return ("read","write")} 5 {return ("subfolder","write")} 6 {return ("subfolder","read")} 7 {return ("subfolder","read","write")} 11 {return ("read","write")} 15 { return ("subfolder","read","write")} } } $key = "Software\McAfee\VSCore\On Access Scanner\McShield\Configuration\" + $level $type = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine $regkey = [Microsoft.win32.registrykey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($type,$server) $regkey = $regkey.opensubkey($key) if (-not ($?)) { #error opening key, mcafee may not be installed Write-Error ("Unable to open mcafee registry key: " + $key) exit 1 } $vals = $regkey.getvaluenames() $results = New-Object collections.ArrayList foreach ($val in $vals) { if ($val -match "ExcludedItem") { $entry = $regkey.getvalue($val) $exclusionvals = $entry.split("|") $ruletype = decode-mcafee-exclusion-code $exclusionvals[0] $settings = decode-second-vals $exclusionvals[1] $excludeditem = $exclusionvals[2] $myresult = New-Object psobject Add-Member -InputObject $myresult NoteProperty System $server Add-Member -InputObject $myresult NoteProperty RuleType $ruletype Add-Member -InputObject $myresult NoteProperty Settings $settings Add-Member -InputObject $myresult NoteProperty Exclusion $excludeditem $results.add($myresult) >$null } } return $results
Now that I have come across some other versions of mcafee, it looks like the registry key structure is not standardized. If you get no values with the script, you can poke around in that same general registry area and find the appropriate key for your implementation.
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