Thursday, September 8, 2011

Chasing duplicate SPN's

If you have problems with duplicate service principal names causing authentication problems in your domain, you can use a variety of tools to work on this. But first lets look at why duplicate SPN's are an issue.

To understand this problem, here is a basic explanation of the Kerberos authentication flow:

1) User accesses a resource application
2) Resource application tells user to authenticate
3) User connects to domain controller looking for a Kerberos service ticket for that service
4) Domain controller searches for an account with that service principal name
    a) If there is one in the same domain, use that one
    b) If there is more than one in the same domain, results may vary
    c) If there is more than one in multiple domains, results may vary
5) User receives ticket from Domain Controller
6) User presents ticket to resource application
7) Resource application account (computer or service account) attempts to decrypt the ticket to verify it.
    a) If the ticket was encrypted to them, authentication works
    b) If the ticket was encrypted to one of the other duplicate SPN accounts, decryption will fail, and access is denied.


All your domain controllers will be logging events when duplicate SPN's are encountered. Unfortunately between 2008 and pre-2008 OS's, the event log source data is different. So when searching event logs you will have to account for this in some way. My example below will pull all the duplicate spn events and just strip out only the conflicted SPN record.

2000/2003 Domain controller:

Get-WMIObject -Computer MyDomainController -Filter "Logfile='system' and eventcode = 11 and sourcename='KDC' and type=5" -Class Win32_NtLogEvent | Foreach-Object { $_.insertionstrings[0]

2008 Domain controller:

Get-WMIObject -Computer MyDomainController -Filter "Logfile='system' and eventcode = 11 and sourcename='Microsoft-Windows-Kerberos-Key-Distribution-Center' and type=5" -Class Win32_NtLogEvent | Foreach-Object { $_.insertionstrings[0] }

Note: This type of query is a bit slow, but better than some methods. If you integrate a timewritten >= ########## this may greatly improve the speed of the event log query against the remote machine.

Take this information and you can use something like queryspn.vbs to look at any specific SPN to see what accounts are configured to use it. After that, analyze which account really needs it, then "setspn -D" the invalid entries away.

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