Friday, March 26, 2010

Auditing Kerberos Delegation


In the last few weeks I was doing some audits in my environment for accounts that were trusted for delegation. I thought I would share some LDAP searches with everyone, using Joe's great ADFIND tool. For those that are not too familiar with delegation, there are two different bits in the UserAccountControl attribute that are related to delegation. These are TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION (0x80000) which uses kerberos forwardable tickets, and TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION (0x1000000) which allows the delegated person/computer to request a ticket on a user's behalf. Both of these options should be used with extreme caution when the accounts are unconstrained, the second option even more so. If systems that are delegated in an unconstrained manner get compromised, anyone accessing them is basically giving up their account for any purpose to the compromised machine.

Finding all unconstrained delegated computer and user accounts, ignoring domain controllers.

adfind -h DCservername -b dc=mydomain,dc=com -s subtree -bit -f "(&(|(objectcategory=user)(objectcategory=computer))(|(userAccountControl:OR:=16777216)(userAccountControl:OR:=524288))(!(iscriticalsystemobject=TRUE))(!(msds-allowedtodelegateto=*)))" -t 9000 distinguishedname serviceprincipalname useraccountcontrol

Finding all constained delegated computer and user accounts, ignoring domain controllers.

adfind -h DCservername -b dc=mydomain,dc=com -s subtree -bit -f "(&(|(objectcategory=user)(objectcategory=computer))(|(userAccountControl:OR:=16777216)(userAccountControl:OR:=524288))(!(iscriticalsystemobject=TRUE))(msds-allowedtodelegateto=*))" -t 9000 distinguishedname serviceprincipalname useraccountcontrol

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