Component : FlashBIOS Updates
path : PE2850_BIOS_WIN_A07.EXE
vendorVersion : A07
currentversion : A05
releaseDate : May 23, 2008
Criticality : Optional
AtCurrent : False
Component : Embedded Server Management
path : BMC_FRMW_WIN_R223079.EXE
vendorVersion : 1.83
currentversion : 1.52
releaseDate : June 30, 2009
Criticality : Optional
AtCurrent : False
for all firmware, bios, and drivers (probably OMSA too). The AtCurrent value is a true/false test to show if you are at the current level (current to your version of SUU that you are using). The script takes a server name and path (to your catalog.xml file in the suu\repository folder), and remotely checks the machine. This works for windows machines only, since it uses WMI. I'm sure some method of scripting using omreport data could be used to due similiar work for Linux. Some ideas for using this information for updating, take the file name returned in each component, copy the file from the repository to the remote machine and run the installs with the silent run switch.
#Requires -version 2 #Author: Nathan Linley #Script: Computer-DellUpdates #Date: 2/9/2012 param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({test-path $_ -pathtype 'leaf'})][string]$catalogpath, [parameter(mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)][string]$server ) function changedatacase([string]$str) { #we need to change things like this: subDeviceID="1f17" to subDeviceID="1F17" #without changing case of the portion before the = if ($str -match "`=`"") { $myparts = $str.split("=") $result = $myparts[0] + "=" + $myparts[1].toupper() return $result } else { return $str} } $catalog = [xml](get-Content $catalogpath) $oscodeid = &{ $caption = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $server).caption if ($caption -match "2003") { if ($caption -match "x64") { "WX64E" } else { "WNET2"} } elseif ($caption -match "2008 R2") { "W8R2" } elseif ($caption -match "2008" ) { if ($caption -match "x64") { "WSSP2" } else { "LHS86" } } } write-debug $oscodeid $systemID = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\cimv2\dell" -query "Select Systemid from Dell_CMInventory" -ComputerName $server).systemid $model = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\cimv2\dell" -query "select Model from Dell_chassis" -ComputerName $server).Model $model = $model.replace("PowerEdge","PE").replace("PowerVault","PV").split(" ") #model[0] = Brand Prefix #model[1] = Model # $devices = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\cimv2\dell" -Class dell_cmdeviceapplication -ComputerName $server foreach ($dev in $devices) { $xpathstr = $parts = $version = "" if ($dev.Dependent -match "(version=`")([A-Z\d.-]+)`"") { $version = $matches[2] } else { $version = "unknown" } $parts = $dev.Antecedent.split(",") for ($i = 2; $i -lt 6; $i++) { $parts[$i] = &changedatacase $parts[$i] } $depparts = $dev.dependent.split(",") $componentType = $depparts[0].substring($depparts[0].indexof('"')) Write-Debug $parts[1] if ($dev.Antecedent -match 'componentID=""') { $xpathstr = "//SoftwareComponent[@packageType='LWXP']/SupportedDevices/Device/PCIInfo" if ($componentType -match "DRVR") { $xpathstr += "[@" + $parts[2] + " and @" + $parts[3] + "]/../../.." $xpathstr += "/SupportedOperatingSystems/OperatingSystem[@osVendor=`'Microsoft`' and @osCode=`'" + $osCodeID + "`']/../.." } else { $xpathstr += "[@" + $parts[2] + " and @" + $parts[3] + " and @" + $parts[4] + " and @" + $parts[5] + "]/../../.." #$xpathstr += "/SupportedSystems/Brand[@prefix=`'" + $model[0] + "`']/Model[@systemID=`'" + $systemID + "`']/../../.." $xpathstr += "/ComponentType[@value='FRMW']/.." } $xpathstr += "/ComponentType[@value=" + $componentType + "]/.." } else { $xpathstr = "//SoftwareComponent[@packageType='LWXP']/SupportedDevices/Device[@" $xpathstr += $parts[0].substring($parts[0].indexof("componentID")) $xpathstr += "]/../../SupportedSystems/Brand[@prefix=`'" + $model[0] + "`']/Model[@systemID=`'" $xpathstr += $systemID + "`']/../../.." } Write-Debug $xpathstr $result = Select-Xml $catalog -XPath $xpathstr |Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node $result |Select-Object @{Name="Component";Expression = {$_.category.display."#cdata-section"}},path,vendorversion,@{Name="currentversion"; Expression = {$version}},releasedate,@{Name="Criticality"; Expression={($_.Criticality.display."#cdata-section").substring(0,$_.Criticality.display."#cdata-section".indexof("-"))}},@{Name="AtCurrent";Expression = {$_.vendorVersion -le $version}} }
Brilliant, thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI have bookmarked your blog, the articles are way better than other similar blogs.. thanks for a great blog! dell components